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Create a provider

We are going to register a Google Cloud Bigquery provider with a dataset named Playground in this example.


A service account with roles/bigquyer.dataOwner role granted to the Google cloud project. Encode the Service Account key in the base 64 format, get the project id from the BigQuery Project you've created and provide the details in the Credentials object given below.

Example Provider Configuartion

type: bigquery
urn: my-first-bigquery-provider
resource_name: projects/<<my-bq-project-id>> # projects/<<gcp project id>>
service_account_key: <<base-64 encoded service account key json>> # Encode the service account key in base 64 form
- type: table
id: my-first-policy
version: 1
- id: viewer
name: Viewer
- roles/bigquery.dataViewer
- id: editor
name: Editor
- roles/bigquery.dataViewer
- id: owner
name: Owner
- roles/bigquery.dataOwner
- type: dataset
id: my-first-policy
version: 1
- id: viewer
name: Viewer
- id: editor
name: Editor
- id: owner
name: Owner

Check BigQuery provider reference for more details.

Explanation for this Provider Configuration

Here we are registering the Bigquery provider with the Service account credentials. These credentials are used by Guardian server to communicate to the provider (in this case is my-bq-project bigquery) to retrieve the available resources (table and datasets) as well as managing access to them.

Here we are registering a BigQuery Provider with two types of resources Dataset and Table Each Resource has a policy along with its version attached to it.

We have configured the resource type table with this policy my-first-policy@1. Every appeal created to for this resource type under my-first-bigquery-provider provider, will have approval steps according to the policy defined here my-first-policy@1.

The Roles field is used to define what type of permission a user have, be it Editor,Viewrer or Owner in the BigQuery dataset.

To check all the available roles for a particular resource type use the API {{HOST}}/api/v1beta1/providers/:id/resources/:resource_type/roles with the GET Method.

Registering the BigQuery Provider

Providers can be created in the following ways:

  1. Using guardian provider create CLI command
  2. Calling to POST /api/v1beta1/providers API
$ guardian provider create --file=provider.yaml