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Get Policy Preferences

Get Policy Preferences returns a policy preferences by ID and version

Path Parameters
    id string required
    version int64 required

A successful response.

    appeal object
    durationOptions object[]

    List of duration options

  • Array [
  • name string required

    Name of the duration option

    value string required

    Actual value of duration such as 24h, 72h. value will be 0h in case of permanent duration. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs). Reference: ParseDuration

  • ]
  • allowOnBehalf boolean
    allowPermanentAccess boolean

    Set this to true if you want to allow users to have permanent access to the resources. Default is false

    allowActiveAccessExtensionIn string

    Duration before the access expiration date when the user allowed to create appeal to the same resource (extend their current access). Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h

    questions object[]

    List of questions to be asked to the appeal creator

  • Array [
  • key string required

    Unique key of the question

    question string required

    Question to be asked to the appeal creator

    required boolean required

    Whether the question is required or not

    description string

    The description to be shown to the appeal creator

  • ]
  • allowCreatorDetailsFailure boolean